If you are thinking of a name for your car wash you might try using these tips:
Nearby high school, college, or university
or mascot: "Cougar Car Wash",
Car Wash", etc.
Area or neighborhood:
"Pleasant Valley Car Wash", "The Heights Car Wash", etc.
City or town:
"Carson City Car Wash", "Jacksonville Car Wash", etc.
Road or street:
"Main Street Car Wash", "Dixie Avenue Car Wash", etc.
"Jim's", "Susie's", etc.
Geographical features:
Mountaintop Car Wash, Valley Car Wash, Outlook, Pinnacle, Canyon, etc.
Flowers or trees:
Oak, Aspen, Palm, Redwood, Rose, Citrus, etc.
Economically significant products in the area:
Quarry, Citrus, etc.
Otter, Bear, Bison, etc.
Minerals or rocks:
Diamond, Granite, Ruby, Limestone, etc.
Lumberjack Car Wash, Cattleman, Roughneck, Fisherman, etc.
Nearby landmark:
Salt Lake, Monument, Peak, etc.
Caddo, Apache, etc.
Shopping Centers: Highland Village , Uptown Mall, etc.
To conveny to prospective customers the nature of your business most car washes have names that, for example, end in:
...Auto Wash
...Car Wash (most common)
...Full Service Car Wash
...Express Wash
Some people start the car wash name with: