Car Wash Names

If you are thinking of a name for your car wash you might try using these tips:

Nearby high school, college, or university team or mascot:  "Cougar Car Wash", "Buccaneer Car Wash", etc.
Area  or neighborhood:  "Pleasant Valley Car Wash", "The Heights Car Wash", etc.
City or town:  "Carson City Car Wash", "Jacksonville Car Wash", etc.
Road or street:  "Main Street Car Wash", "Dixie Avenue Car Wash", etc.
Owner's:  "Fred's",  "Jim's", "Susie's", etc.
Geographical features:  Mountaintop Car Wash, Valley Car Wash, Outlook, Pinnacle, Canyon, etc.
Flowers or trees:  Oak, Aspen, Palm, Redwood, Rose, Citrus, etc.
Economically significant products in the area:  Quarry, Citrus, etc.
Animals:  Tiger, Otter, Bear, Bison, etc.
Minerals or rocks:  Diamond, Granite, Ruby, Limestone, etc.
Occupations:  Lumberjack Car Wash, Cattleman, Roughneck, Fisherman, etc.
Nearby landmark:  Salt Lake, Monument, Peak, etc.
Indians:  Aztec, Caddo, Apache, etc.
Shopping Centers:  Highland Village , Uptown Mall, etc.

To conveny to prospective customers the nature of your business most car washes have names that, for example, end in:

...Auto Wash
...Car Wash (most common)
...Full Service Car Wash
...Express Wash

Some people start the car wash name with:

Mister ...
Mr. ...
Sir ...

If you are one of our loan applicants and would like to receive more information for naming your car wash send an e-mail to me or ask me by telephone to provide this information to you.

Sign companies and car wash industry veterans recommend that the words "Car Wash" be the most prominent words on your pole or monument sign.

Alan Bussey      Car Wash Loans     903-876-2308     fax:  484-737-1092

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