Contact Us

You are welcome to call us by telephone anytime.  We are normally in the office Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 5:30PM Central Time.  If we are not in the office when you call, please leave a message on the voice mail and we will return your call quickly.

Please describe the purpose of your call.  Please include in your message 1.)  whether you are buying, building, or refinancing; and 2.)  whether you have a contract or verbal agreement to buy a car wash or a site, or whether you already own a car wash site.

I prioritize making return phone calls based upon those where a message has been left stating the purpose of the call.

Please call us at 903-876-2308 when:

1.  You have a contract to buy an existing car wash.

2.  You have a letter of intent signed by you and by a car wash seller to buy an existing car wash.   The purchase contract is being prepared or you would like to discuss the purchase contract.

3.  You have reached a verbal agreement with a car wash seller to buy an existing car wash.  The letter of intent or purchase contract is being prepared or you would like to discuss the letter of intent or purchase contract.

4.  You have identified a specific car wash that is for sale, the seller has given you at least some preliminary financial information such as an Income Statement.  You would like some help to analyze the financial information or would like to discuss this financial information to see if you can get a loan to buy the car wash.  Please have your Proforma Cash Flow Analysis completed.  We can provide you with some helpful templates to quickly prepare your Proforma Cash Flow Analysis.

5.  You are an owner or part-owner of an existing car wash and have an agreement with your partner(s) to buy the partner's interest in the car wash, making you 100% owner. Or you and a partner are buying out a third partner, etc..

6.  You own or partly own the car wash site for a new car wash, have done at least some investigation into the car wash industry, and plan to construct a new car wash on the site.

7.  You have a contract to purchase land for a new car wash.  

8.  You have a letter of intent signed by you and by the seller of a car wash site.  The purchase contract is being prepared or you would like to discuss the purchase contract.

9.  You have reached a verbal agreement with the seller of a car wash site.   The letter of intent or purchase contract is being prepared or you would like to discuss the letter of intent or purchase contract.

10.  You own a car wash that you would like to refinance.

11.  You own a car wash where you would like to borrow to refurbish the car wash.

If you are new to the industry and none of items 1 through 11 above apply to you:

If you are "interested in the car wash industry", "doing some preliminary investigation into the car wash industry", or are "just checking into the car wash industry" you probably do not need to call us.

We make loans to buy, build, refinance, or refurbish car washes.  We can most assist are those who are ready  to borrow or who are almost ready to borrow.

If you are a newcomer and would like general information about the car wash industry please review:   Learning More About the Car Wash Industry .  Please request and read the information noted in that section before you call us.

If you are new to the car wash industry and if you have a question that cannot be answered from the resources on this web site, please send an e-mail to us with your question at: .  

I personally reply to all telephone calls and to all email.

Alan Bussey      Car Wash Loans      phone:  903-876-2308       fax:  484-737-1092

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© Copyright by Alan L. Bussey 1999 through 2009.      All Rights Reserved.